The Historic Commercial Vehicle Association Queensland was formed in May 1991 with the aim to promote and encourage the PRESERVATION and RESTORATION of all types of Commercial vehicles over thirty years old.
This year the club will host it's 16th annual two day show, at the Cleveland Show Grounds in the Bayside area of Brisbane and it will be held on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd, August 2009. For more information please visit the website
Here are some photos I have uploaded from blogger. These vehicles were on display during our last show event. Other vehicles on display may include, vans and utilities, mining and quarry equipment, tractors, earth moving equipment, trucks, prime movers and fire fighting equipment, horse drawn, steam powered, veteran, vintage, petrol and diesel engined vehicles from all over the world!
To view more photos feel free to click here to see some of the 2008 display vehicles. If you have seen the movie "Swimming Upstream" staring Geoffrey Rush and Judy Davis, you may have seen some of these vehicles parked in the streets of Spring Hill.